Current highscore as of 17/03/2023: 1942
Click here to read a heartfelt memorial.
I was doing a lot of thinking. There was a certain something I was missing in life, the last piece to a puzzle of inconceivable form. Despite how much I genuinely tried, I couldn't even begin to figure out what it was. Now, while listening to "U.N. Owen was Her?" I finally know what it is.
With that, allow me to finally say that the very famous (to about 8 or so people) I Am Hungry website is getting its well-deserved sequel. After this, I'll create another one called "I Am Hungry 3: Doughnut takes Manhattan" and really run this "franchise" into the ground.
Now, I'm sure some of you may be asking, "Why don't you just update the old site?" and a certain someone will certainly be asking, "Why haven't you added me to a website yet?!" The reason why I'm not just using the old website is because the way everything was sorted internally on that site was complete balls (by that, I mean there wasn't any organisation at all.)
As for the second question... don't worry. I Am Hungry 2 is where dreams come true, if your dreams are typed in Times New Roman.
Have your ankles made like a deadbeat dad and left?
Is your mother well-versed in the mechanisms of diploid cells?
Robbie, I'll be dead honest and say I have no bloody clue what the hell to say about you.
Are you sick and tired of being excluded from websites?
- Barack Hussein Obama II (Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama Obama.)
- Bryan Cranston (Walter from the.)
Current Number of Hidden Obamas on this website: 2
Current Number of Hidden "Obamas" on this website: 1
Be sure to click here to read not-as-important-as-before research.